Trend Micro CTF 2016- Forensic 100

Hi guys! today i will show you how to solved Forensic 100 – TMCTF.

Download file from here and open by wireshark.

you can see it to be encryption by WEP was included as the component of the original privacy IEEE 802.11.


The attacker was wiretapping and find ways cracking them.

First, we will look for an crack password file pcap.

Use aircrack-ng tool is popular, i try that.


The next step, we will decrypt the file from password we just got.

Use Airdecap-ng to decrypt victim.pcap


So we can got file victim-dec.pcap

Then, we must find the ip of the sender and the receiver to filter the essential information. In pcap file information has a lot of garbage, so pcap file made will heavier and more complex.


Try filter some port don’t be encrypt and focus to ip and  ip

Follow it, we will see what we need


Short conversation, and decode base64 to get file


We will find words “Right Niece Dreams” and hint from admin is “Et tu Brute, Then FALL C,A,E,S,A,R” ,so password is “miDNight” and get secret location.


And use to get location we need.


TMCTF{Stade de France} :))

2 thoughts on “Trend Micro CTF 2016- Forensic 100

  1. Austen Bommarito says:

    Wow, thanks for the writeup! The link on CTFtime to your site seems to be broken though.

    Would you mind giving more details on how you figured out the password for the zip? I see your statement “We will find words “Right Niece Dreams” and hint from admin is “Et tu Brute, Then FALL C,A,E,S,A,R” ,so password is “miDNight” and get secret location.” What admin gave you the hint? Was this a CTF admin, or another email thread in the pcap? Also how did you go from “Et tu Brute, Then FALL C,A,E,S,A,R” to a password of “miDNight”?


    • sugi_vo says:

      Yeah, you can see “Right Niece Dreams” in conversation between and So you will drop (fall) letters C,A,E,S,A,R in “Right Niece Dreams”, you will get “ightNiDm” and try to arrange the words have meaning (Et tu Brute). So we have “miDNight”.


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